"Enlightened Veterinary Medicine
Provided with Concierge Care"
A Veterinary Housecall Practise
Serving Companion Animals in Cochise County Arizona.
Focusing on Pets in Bisbee, Hereford and Sierra Vista.
What to Expect When You Choose to Make an Appointment With Vet 2 U...Enlightened Veterinary Care
The first thing you will notice is that Dr Jones is not your usual veterinarian. She is very personable and will take the time to talk with you about your pet (on the phone or via email). There are no receptionists; you will get Dr Jones. If she is in another appointment or driving to one when you call, just leave a brief message describing your pet and what you you would like Dr Jones to see him or her for and she will call you back in a timely manner. If you email she will get back to you promptly too. If time is of the essence, please call immediately.
Dr Jones is known for her individualised and focused attention and a friendly demeanor. Your animal companion will be treated with kindness and compassion at all stages of the home visit and you will notice how much more comfortable it is to have a veterinarian come to your house than to bring your pet to a clinic (cats and elderly dogs are especially pleased with this!).
The Benefits of Housecalls
Dr Jones makes housecalls. This means that your pet is able to stay at home and does not have to be brought to a veterinary clinic for evaluation or treatment. Many owners and pets prefer this as it is safe, convenient and more comfortable. On occasion, Dr Jones will recommend certain diagnostics or procedures be done at a clinic and she will help arrange them for your pet. Centered in Cochise County Arizona Dr Jones will make housecalls in Bisbee, Sierra Vista, Hereford, Portal and the surrounding areas. Just give her a call to schedule a visit.
Concierge Care
Dr Jones will invite you to take part in your pet's healing process by being an involved pet parent. You will have access to our Vet2U Concierge Treatment. Which means that Dr Jones will ask for your observations via email or phone as your pet begins to heal, your insights will be listened to and appreciated, and your lifestyle will be taken into account as you and Dr Jones work as a team to help your pet move towards greater well-being and more splendid health.
Concierge treatment means that, as part of choosing Dr Jones Vet2U you will have access to follow-up phone calls or email correspondence with Dr Jones as she works towards treating your pet.
Advantages of Holistic Veterinary Medicine
Over 70 % of physicians in Europe prescribe alternative medical therapies for their patients and the number of people using such treatments as acupuncture, massage and homeopathy is growing by about 38% every year in the United States. Of course these people want to use these therapies for the animals in their families too. They have experienced the whole body healing that can happen when holistic medicine is used and they now want their pets to be treated this way. Dr Jones has focused her skills on the whole animal, and holistic care is her chosen path.
Holistic veterinary healthcare views symptoms of illness as being similar to the check engine light in a car. When the light starts to flash, it is time to look under the hood for the source of the problem. Similarly, when the symptoms of disease in an animal arise it is time to search for the underlying cause; it is time to examine the whole animal: body, diet, lifestyle, interactions with family members (human and animal) and history.
Simply giving an itchy dog steroids and antibiotics or a vomiting cat an an injection to "make them better" is like disconnecting the check engine light. It stops the light from flashing, gets rid of the annoyance, but does not solve the problem. Likewise, treating only the pet's presenting symptoms can seem to make it better, but this may only be a temporary solution. In the long run, it does not solve the problem that caused the illness...and so, the check engine light may start to flash again. The dog will get itchy again. The cat will resume her vomiting. Other, deeper, symptoms may appear. With an holistic approach the symptoms are used as a guide, a message from the body that something is wrong and needs to be attended to. Holistic practitioners look beyond the immediate symptoms to discover the root cause of the problem.
First and foremost I respect the wisdom and power of your pet's own natural healing process, and so try to work in harmony with that vital force instead of counter to it. As a holistic veterinarian I am engaged in looking at your pet as a whole being, not just a list of symptoms of disease. Holistic veterinarians are interested in the pet's environment, genetics, nutrition, family relationships, risk exposures and stress factors as well as their overall wellness. I will do a complete hands-on physical exam, ask you about his or her diet, lifestyle, activity level, personality, health history, and how your pet fits into the family. His or her body, emotions and energy are all taken into account in that first conversation and will always be considered important in the treatments and follow-ups. From the traditional through state-of-art veterinary medicine, the most effective and least harmful modalities will be recommended for diagnosing and healing your pet, and your needs and lifestyle as your pet's caretaker will be accomodated as well.
I will do my best for your pet !
Contact Us
Tel: (520) 249-1661
​Email: drjonesvet2u@outlook.com
Check out my Facebook page at
Treatments & Wellness Services:
Hands-On Physical Exams
Herbal Medicine
Veterinary Massage, myofascial trigger point release, Tui Na
Pet Hospice
Nursing Care
The Boost! For Vitality